疑难排解 As our scripts become more complex, it’s time to take a look at what happens when things go wrong and they don’t do what we want. In this chapter, we’ll look at some of the ...
ls 的乐趣 选项和参数 深入研究长格式输出 确定文件类型 用 less 浏览文件内容 less 就是 more(禅语:色即是空) 旅行指南 符号链接 硬链接 拓展阅读 Now that we know how to move around the file system, it’s time for a guided tour of ...
流程控制:if 分支结构 In the last chapter, we were presented with a problem. How can we make our report generator script adapt to the privileges of the user running the script? The soluti...
查找文件 locate - 查找文件的简单方法 find - 查找文件的复杂方式 Tests 操作符 预定义的操作 用户定义的行为 提高效率 xargs 返回操练场 选项 拓展阅读 查找文件 As we have wandered around our Linux system, one thing has become abu...