归档和备份 压缩文件 gzip bzip2 归档文件 tar zip 同步文件和目录 在网络间使用 rsync 命令 拓展阅读 归档和备份 One of the primary tasks of a computer system’s administrator is keeping the system’s data secure...
数组 In the last chapter, we looked at how the shell can manipulate strings and numbers. The data types we have looked at so far are known in computer science circles as scalar var...
网络系统 检查和监测网络 ping traceroute netstat 网络中传输文件 ftp lftp - 更好的 ftp wget 与远程主机安全通信 ssh scp 和 sftp 拓展阅读 网络系统 When it comes to networking, there is probably nothing that ...
命令行编辑 移动光标 剪切和粘贴文本 The Meta Key 自动补全 set | less 利用历史命令 搜索历史命令 历史命令展开 script script [file] 总结归纳 拓展阅读 I often kiddingly describe Unix as “the operating system for peopl...