流程控制:if 分支结构 In the last chapter, we were presented with a problem. How can we make our report generator script adapt to the privileges of the user running the script? The soluti...
查找文件 locate - 查找文件的简单方法 find - 查找文件的复杂方式 Tests 操作符 预定义的操作 用户定义的行为 提高效率 xargs 返回操练场 选项 拓展阅读 查找文件 As we have wandered around our Linux system, one thing has become abu...
(字符)展开 路径名展开 波浪线展开 算术表达式展开 花括号展开 参数展开 命令替换 引用 双引号 单引号 转义字符 总结归纳 拓展阅读 In this chapter we are going to look at some of the “magic” that occurs on the command line when ...
归档和备份 压缩文件 gzip bzip2 归档文件 tar zip 同步文件和目录 在网络间使用 rsync 命令 拓展阅读 归档和备份 One of the primary tasks of a computer system’s administrator is keeping the system’s data secure...