读取键盘输入 The scripts we have written so far lack a feature common in most computer programs — interactivity. That is, the ability of the program to interact with the user. While ma...
进程是怎样工作的 查看进程 用 top 命令动态查看进程 控制进程 中断一个进程 把一个进程放置到后台(执行) 进程返回到前台 停止一个进程 Signals 通过 kill 命令给进程发送信号 Modern operating systems are usually multitasking, meaning that they cre...
解剖一个提示符 试试一些可替代的提示符设计 添加颜色 移动光标 保存提示符 总结归纳 拓展阅读 In this chapter we will look at a seemingly trivial detail — our shell prompt. This examination will reveal some of the inne...
自顶向下设计 As programs get larger and more complex, they become more difficult to design, code and maintain. As with any large project, it is often a good idea to break large, comple...